Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The First Challenge update-From April-NAO

Don't judge me :DDDDD

this is a continuation of the blog challenge I took up last April and to flag, I decided to continue this one..

* Day 23 — A YouTube video
* Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
* Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
* Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
* Day 27 — This month, in great detail
* Day 28 — This year, in great detail
* Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
* Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 23--A Youtube Video
I decided to post this video since it's my boss' birthday today..
Happy Birthday Ms. B!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Not musically inclined

but this made me gaga overnight. Thank you BESTFRIEND
Xx - Heart Skipped A Beat Mp3

Please don't say we're done
When I'm not finished
I could give you so much
Make you feel, like never before
Welcome, they said welcome to the floor

It's been a while
And you've found someone better
But I've been waiting too long to give this up
The more I see, I understand
But sometimes, I still need you

Sometimes, I still need you

I was struggling to get in
Left waiting outside your door
I was sure
You'd give me more

No need to come to me
When I can make it all the way to you
You made it clear
You weren't near
Near enough for me

Heart skipped a beat
And when I caught it you were out of reach
But I'm sure, I'm sure
You've heard if before

---it gives me the high without having drugs. :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Cosplay Mania

I'm not proud to say that I got hooked on this thing just about lately..

sure I've attended the first evaarr (i think this was the first ever) Cosplay slash Otaku Fest in UP waaaay back 2008, I was just curious about the whole thing, so I went to the said event..

~circa 2008~

Here's the 2nd Cosplay event that I attended, TORCH, last Sunday, August 22, 2010.. the main reason why I attended was because of her

..meet Shantal, my cousin, as someone from Death Note..

here are some of my pics with anime characters that i know (no BS XD)

Since I was brimming with awesome amount of jealousy slash geekiness, I will join the next Cosplay event this coming October
Luckily, I have a friend who is willing to back me up on this.
Don't ask me about THE boyfriend. He finds the whole thing weird. :D

anyway, I got into a passionate discussion with Joecel as to what I would be cosplaying as. My first choice was a Munak (from RO)

insert MUNAK--

but Joecel insisted on my debut costume as something sexxxay, like Bayonetta. Since I can't do a handstand while shooting someone with my shoes (note that Bayonetta's shoes actually has a gun), we scrapped the Bayonetta idea..
for now.....
Joecel was kinda against me being a Munak (i really dont know why, haha, joe, care to enlighten me?) so we decided on a mutual character which I am familiar with and sexxy at the same time
So, we compromised on this hero (there, that term should give you an idea):

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Might be

too old for Cosplays, but

NEVER too old for wigs and normal dress-ups. haha

Friday, August 13, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 9- A letter to the coolest person you've never met

this is so not cool.

i have a lot of friends, most of which are quirky-one way or another..
they are also cool, in varying levels, but for the life of me, i cant seem to remember which one is the coolest.

wow, i think ive been cheating ALOT on this challenge..haha, so sige na nga, along with day 4, im going to update this.

Monday, August 9, 2010

day 8. A letter to a giant space robot

Dear Giant Space Robot,

Growing up, I've never really taken an interest on you,

..and it's not going to change in this lifetime. No Siree


Day 7- A letter to a Historical Event

June 30, 2010-- Declaration of NoyNoy as the newest President of the Republic of Philippines.

--This was the first holiday I had as a Marketing Assistant here in Handumanan Development Corporation.

Dear June 30, 2010:

While everyone was planning to wake up late cause of the said holiday, I was up and about since we featured an ad on the newspaper.
This is of no significance really, I'm just trying to get used to the fact that I have to work on holidays..

and Saturdays

OH fcek


Sunday, August 8, 2010


outfit picture while the boyfriend is choosing his Sanuk

top: black cotton "LATENCY KILLS" shirt
bottom: khaki vertical hi-waist skirt
footwear: Parisian 4-inch wedge (favorite shoe so far, so comfy, and light)
bag: Kipling (gift from Tita Nelly)
Glasses: Ray-Ban

day 6. A HEARTFELT letter to some food

*au contraire, Mila's Lechon doesn't have the best lechon.
not even close

Dear CNT Lechon,

i won't make this long, here is my heart

i love you i love you i love you
PS- especially if id get to have the SIBUYAS all by myself


day 5. A letter to a celebrity you want to kick in the face

i love celebrities in general so i guess i hafta skip this one

ive been totally off this grid for the past few days, so ill spam my blog with the stuff that im wayyy behind.
like this :D

i was intrigued by this movie and i found a loophole, YEY to me!

my latest fixation

why hello there RAY-BAN