Being thankful is what's tickling my fancy right now, :) so I'd like to thank the following people (AGAIN) for (AGAIN) the following:
1. the BEST MOM in the whole world- for the never ending patience, trust, advices (seriously, most are unsolicited,but useful!) and blind love. :) I know you weren't given much of a choice since I'm your only child, but THANK you nonetheless
2. the BEST DAD in the whole world- we are always in sync when mom is away (again, on his side, without much choice) cause of our taste in DVDs (for the life of me, I could never grasp what you see in those B-Movies you rent). For being grumpy most of the time (which I secretly find adorable) and lastly, for being a lesson itself on patience :D
3. TRUE FRIENDS! I won't enumerate who you guys are (on the account of I don't want to assume, and I don't want you to do so too. HAHA) thank YOU for willing to put your integrity to test by insisting I'm NOT fat. Thank you for the random text messages I get about the funny or memorable things that happened to you today. It matters to me that you included me in your list of friends whom you chose to give a personal chika as to how your day was. Thank you for agreeing to meet up although I ditched some of you in the last minute pajud. again SALAMAT.
4. People who come bearing gifts. I know we should be aware of them, but who I'm trying to refer is literally, the people who give me gifts for no particular reason at all. :D thank you. I love gifts, everyone does actually. I'm just more honest.
5. JESZHA! My best friend! She's busy with her personal life right now and I'm sure she'll notice this post a week later pa (or probably never) but I am forever grateful for her companionship, she's ALWAYS there when I need her.
6. THE Uyab. He knows I find him imperfectly beautiful. Words cannot express how much he means to me.. and I'm sure it's preferable to leave it at that. What matter is what WE know.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
* Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
* Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy
It took me SOME time to update or answer this query, since, frankly speaking, almost half of my goals for this year were canceled.
That fact alone is enough to drive me into a depressed frenzy.
but I'll get straight to the point. I think my hopes and dreams for the coming year is TOO personal for me to divulge on this blog.
It took me SOME time to update or answer this query, since, frankly speaking, almost half of my goals for this year were canceled.
That fact alone is enough to drive me into a depressed frenzy.
but I'll get straight to the point. I think my hopes and dreams for the coming year is TOO personal for me to divulge on this blog.
Friday, September 24, 2010
What most people don't realize (a rant)
is that having an online shop is not easy.
Sure we DO skip the DTI requirements and registrations.
Sure we don't pay taxes that other businesses are required to pay
..and sure we don't pay any rental fees like other shops who do.
We SELECTIVELY choose each item based on it's marketability (and trust me, it's not easy since there's a lot of vintage shops here in Cebu).
We MAKE sure that before you get the item, it has already been pressed and washed=in it's best condition
We are CONSISTENTLY PATIENT to your queries which,by the way, have been posted in our ALBUM (ie, where and what day and what time the pick-up sched is)
We UPDATE you 2 DAYS before your scheduled pick-up to ask you if you can pick-up your item on your schedule.
WE GIVE LEEWAYS . We give you 4 Saturdays= 4 chances for our buyers to pick up your item.... unlike any other online shop.
1. DON'T BE AN IMPULSIVE BUYER. Read carefully our captions so that you'd know WHEN AND WHERE to pick up your item
2. Do TELL US if you can't make it. Don't let us wait for an additional 2 hours only for you to inform us that YOU CAN'T MAKE IT. HAVE A HEART. We have a life too.
and you know, it's not only HAPPY FINDS (our online shop) who share THIS sentiment.
I am pretty sure that other online shops too can relate to this
Respectfully Yours
Sure we DO skip the DTI requirements and registrations.
Sure we don't pay taxes that other businesses are required to pay
..and sure we don't pay any rental fees like other shops who do.
We SELECTIVELY choose each item based on it's marketability (and trust me, it's not easy since there's a lot of vintage shops here in Cebu).
We MAKE sure that before you get the item, it has already been pressed and washed=in it's best condition
We are CONSISTENTLY PATIENT to your queries which,by the way, have been posted in our ALBUM (ie, where and what day and what time the pick-up sched is)
We UPDATE you 2 DAYS before your scheduled pick-up to ask you if you can pick-up your item on your schedule.
WE GIVE LEEWAYS . We give you 4 Saturdays= 4 chances for our buyers to pick up your item.... unlike any other online shop.
1. DON'T BE AN IMPULSIVE BUYER. Read carefully our captions so that you'd know WHEN AND WHERE to pick up your item
2. Do TELL US if you can't make it. Don't let us wait for an additional 2 hours only for you to inform us that YOU CAN'T MAKE IT. HAVE A HEART. We have a life too.
and you know, it's not only HAPPY FINDS (our online shop) who share THIS sentiment.
I am pretty sure that other online shops too can relate to this
Respectfully Yours
Friday, September 17, 2010
Day 28- This year in great detail
* Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
* Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy
--how could i even complete this blog when at times I even forget what day it is, let alone summarize my year?
SO, i'll try to summarize on a per month month based on the pics i uploaded..
1. Rap cooking
2. The night before Sinulog laag at Loft
3. Power Rangers!
4. Maoy with LBP

1. Valentine's Day at The Lighthouse
2. Rap's Bday!

1. My First time in STK Capitol
2.Oh Georg!
3. Earth Hour

1. Holy Week2.
2. Pizzeria Michaelangelo (ALL TIME FAVORITE)
3. The Winehouse

1. New Work!
2. Arcenas Group of Companies Summer Outing
3. LBP Dagat

1. Fashion Blogger Meet-up :D
2. Father's Day

1. 14th Monthsarry Dinner at Red Kimono

1. Happy Finds Meet-up ;p

1. Rockpool Early Dinner
2. Sleep-over at IWI's

* Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy
--how could i even complete this blog when at times I even forget what day it is, let alone summarize my year?
SO, i'll try to summarize on a per month month based on the pics i uploaded..
1. Rap cooking
2. The night before Sinulog laag at Loft
3. Power Rangers!
4. Maoy with LBP

1. Valentine's Day at The Lighthouse
2. Rap's Bday!

1. My First time in STK Capitol
2.Oh Georg!
3. Earth Hour

1. Holy Week2.
2. Pizzeria Michaelangelo (ALL TIME FAVORITE)
3. The Winehouse

1. New Work!
2. Arcenas Group of Companies Summer Outing
3. LBP Dagat

1. Fashion Blogger Meet-up :D
2. Father's Day

1. 14th Monthsarry Dinner at Red Kimono

1. Happy Finds Meet-up ;p

1. Rockpool Early Dinner
2. Sleep-over at IWI's

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