Monday, January 7, 2008

Infidelity, like all pleasures, has a price

i can't say i CAN'T understand why other people in a relationship tend to cheat.
but that doesn't mean i've tried cheating on ryan. i NEVER did and i'm kinda proud of that fact.
cheating is one,if not,the only, reason why relationships tend to end abruptly. i guess the "cheating" party (and there's the "cheetee" party) felt the relationship that he/she has with that person is not fulfilling enough. or it may have become boring along the way.or became. or whatever.
f*ck with over analyzing grammar.
any way, there was a time in our relationship that i felt i was being gramed up for something i didn't do (ergo, the i-went-out-and-i-want-you-with-me. NOT) i was at vudu with my cousin and i just hafta ask ryan to go with me and..
who would have thought that the middle couch besides the stairs in VUDU would NOT have a signal for SUN users? i was kinda pissed.
and to top it off, my battery is getting low and ryan MIGHT think that i didn't want him going to VUDU or whatever.
that is so not cool.
i have these two friends.they are whatyoucansay, a couple..and they broke up cause of the "monotousity" of their relationship.. so the girl texted me saying, "hey nym you guys better take care of ********************** ayt? tell him i love him so much always and that i just need space"
and the guillible schmuck that i am, i really fell for that text. actually i pretty much believed that if they start missing each other, they'd just go back to each other's arms.
life is so not as easy as
so i was shocked when i checked on my friend's friendster, i saw her in another guy's arms. i was pretty insulted.of the fact that i believed what she said and i wasn't able to percieve that she would even dare do that.
i consider it cheating.
so you, you know who you are, you hurt my friend pretty bad, and i can't actually say that i feel indifferent about it. i know i'm supposed to stay out of it but the mere idea that you lied to me is such a below the belt hit.
it ain't nice.

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