Wednesday, October 8, 2008

from the grapevine i call radio

i just heard that our government is closing the ONLY UP Cebu.
i wasn't able to hear the full details (me not being an alumni of UP, i seriously think that not being late for work is more important than hearing what the reporter has to say about this)
but IF, and IF, they are closing UP here cause there's a lack of school population (wc, btw, i believe otherwise{alot of people are born for UP,alot of them also declined that opportunity?why?don't even get me started}). 'tis not a reason nuf. UP has a reputation of accepting students who excel and IF just cause they are closing UP cause there's a lack of that quality with our students nowadays, then i move to propose that all schools who (by a special standards) don't give students who apply for UP the right weapon of education they need, be closed also.
*sigh, if only i have the enough power.
i don't understand what i'm saying anymore.

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