Friday, August 21, 2009


..of what happened today

1. Woke up early to have a Voice-Over Recording at Brian's studio in Horseshoe Drive, Banawa. Apparently, my voice (yeah the squeakiness of it) will be used as a brrr, voice over for our new audio-visual presentation RE: The Persimmon-North Tower.
INSERT: I'd like to thank Laicca of Isee Productions for thinking of pimping me for other potential voice-over jobs. Extra racket is always appreciated. thank you

2. After the voice-over sideline, I went to Bo's (the terraces) and enjoyed my brewed coffee while basking on the not so summer heat. The heat of the sun felt good on my skin and I only noticed that old foreigners were looking at me when my boyfriend arrived.. strange.

3. Went to Timezone and watched some guy from Manila play Tekken with a beyond godlike streak.. Both of us got bored eventually and looked for something else to do. Rap decided to buy Shiraz and we ate at Dessert Factory.

4. SHIRAZ is the SMEXXXX. i got tipsy after a few sip and i totally passed out.. I woke up an hour later to find out that Rap passed out too.. After a few minutes, my whole left side got REALLY REALLY itchy and i panicked cause i'm sure ive been getting hives.

5. coo coo caa caa time with my boyfriend. Everything was well til i got home.


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