Wednesday, November 18, 2009

LOVING My Life is Average

excerpts from the site

Today, in one of my classes, a student's phone rang. He answered the phone, yelled "What? I'll be right there!" And then ripped off his clothes, revealing a superman costume he was wearing underneath. He then left the classroom, leaving our teacher so confused that she didnt finish teaching us the lesson. MLIA

Today, I was visiting a friend who lives in the dorms, we were coming back into the common room after going out to dinner and I saw about 20-30 people (mostly guys) all gathered around a TV and cheering. I assumed a sports game was on, I went to investigate what was worth this gathering and this much enthusiasm. Sports game? No. It was the end of Beauty and the Beast when they kiss and it sends off fireworks. My estimation of college guys has definitely improved. MLIA.

Today I made cupcakes and was letting them cool in the kitchen. I then went on Mystery Google to pass the time. On my second search it came up with "the british are coming, hide the cupcakes!" About five seconds after I read this, I heard my Dad's car in the driveway. My father is British. Don't worry Mystery Google, the cupcakes are safely hidden. MLIA

Today, I was sitting in Panera Bread, when they called out "Optimus Prime your bagel is ready." Casually a boy who looks about 7 walks up and takes it. He is my hero.

Today, In Bio my teacher put a gummy bear in a test tube with some liquified powder to see how when sugar breaks down it creates heat and light. What he didn't mentioned was that it also makes a high pitched sound that sounded like a scream. I was disturbed that I witnessed a murder of an innocent gummy bear.

The other day, we had a dance at school the administration told all the students to get off the dance floor. We were all a little confused until they rolled out massive sheets of bubble wrap onto the dance floor and played the song bounce. Best dance ever? I think so

Today, I went to get my sonogram, and while in the waiting room, a bubbly little 6 yr. old decided to strike up a conversation. She thought she'd tell me where babies come from. Her exact words were, "... and then this dork brings this baby into your life!". I politely asked if she meant "stork". She just looked at me like I was crazy, and said "Obviously, you've never met my dad". Best. Kid. Ever. MLIA

Today, my mom came into my room and said "I have a surprise for you". My surprise? Dinosaur oatmeal - the kind with dinosaur eggs that dissolve into little dinosaurs when you add the hot water/milk. She then said "but you have to save at least one packet for your brother when he comes home." I am 18, my brother is 20. Best surprise ever.

Tonight, I was calling my sister when "Bohemian Raphsody" came on the radio. I hung up right away and sang along at the top of my lungs, guitar solos and all. I later found out that I hadn't hung up the phone after all, and had left a seven-minute message on her phone.

Today, I was on duty (I'm a police officer) and I saw somebody speeding. I drove up close behind him, ready to pull him over. Then I read his bumper sticker: "I'm only speeding because I really have to poop." I didn't pull him over.

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