lastweek has just got to be the most challenging week ever in our relationship.
I found out the hard way that if a person wants to be alone, you should give that person
the time he needs-especially if that person is brooding about a problem that's unrelated to
your relationship.
I've also learned NOT to meddle. up to date- i luv NOT meddling. THINGS are way simplier
if you do so.
I've come to be close with Rap's mum for the past 2 weeks or so. I could talk to her about
our relationship (and how much i love her son) and just about anything. I also relish on
the fact that Tita Nelly is in favor with our relationship, even her friend, Tita Lilian
claimed (-to quote) that "you and raprap really look good together".
Friday- it started out as a gloomy day for us-since we almost broke up the last night
--well not technically cause rap just slept for
most of the day til his 2:30 clas (he waited for me the whole night while we both whispered sweet somethings to each other..), we met up at ayala around 4 and I made his PSYC project.
Since i wanna do it with extra TLC, i designed it with doodles using an orange glue.
Little did i know that Rap was in a bit of a hurry and it actually took SOME (2hours?) time
for the glue to dry out, his project looked abit haywired after and he's an hour plus late
for his TC subject (--did i also mention that it was raining dogs and cats and EVERYONE will
literally kill for a cab?). Secretly ordered SALMON SASHIMI AT RAIRAI KEN to make him feel better.
After his class, I surprised him with Salmon Sashimi at Rai Rai ken and i think it was I WHO WAS EFFIN SURPRISED.
RAI RAI KEN'S SALMON SASHIMI MELTS IN YOUR MOUTH AND NOT ON YOUR CHOPSTICKS. --but oh god, it's such and expensive addiction!
Met up with Wafa after and she mentioned something about going to
DOCE- (turns green with jealousy) but rap wasnt really in the mood to go to doce, so we ended
up going home after his class. His friend texted him asking him to go with them at their
friend's bday celeb.
So much for spending the night together. It would have been okay with me if i go out with wafa
(she was alone at doce!) and that id just dance the night away. But no, i was alone at his room,
watching Watchmen and falling in and out of sleep for every few minutes.
Rap left around 11. He came back drunkass around 5. Imagine how angry I am repeating to myself that
it wouldve been okay if i was with wafa the whole night. but no, i was alone in his room, watching
dr. manhattan glow in all his glory.
That has just got to be one of the most depressing nights ever. I was also drunk with my self-pity thoughts that while
my boyfriend was having fun wherever he was, i was alone and cold and feeling coped up.
He came back looking so sheepish and saying he was sorry,
oh well, one day wasted. literally and figuratively.
Saturday Morning- Miraculously, the both of us woke up early. He was feeling the effects of the beer and I was
just totally eager to get out of his room. We went to colon to buy clothes and TA DAH! as a surprise, Raprap bought
Sims3 for yours truly! i was so floored that i got speechless there! :D he installed it (despite the fact
that he was feeling hung over) and he left me to play all i want!! (he had a consultation sched re:his thesis
and he has to go to TC).
We met up at Ayala (oi, i cleaned his room) and he felt somber all over again. The feeling of helplessness washed over me
and as much as i want to supress it (And try to eat) i cant. That Saturday night was my night with my barkadas and as much
as i try to stay indifferent, I am affected with Rap's sudden mood shift. He took me to my friends and after a short while,
he went home by himself.

There were a lot missing though, Lor Karab,Marco, the Salvadors, Roy, Daryl (he made apas sa karaoke-oz and
dax too)and etc (more pics will be updated soon. Pics taken from Ella's cam). We went to this secluded karaoke-han right beside Gaisano Bowling Complex at Banilad. It was abit pricey but it's clean and we can go all wild since no one cares what
we do. I felt happy cause i was able to sing "basang-basa sa ulan by aegis" Course, since most of us are there, it's also the
cheapshot night. But since Daryl was at the Outpost, it was a holds-barred cheapshot night.
After karaoke, we went to outpost cause we wanna apas with Steve, Den and Dar's cousins.
It's actually my first time in Outpost. and i did not enjoy it one bit. There were alot of crass people, and someone
actually had the chutzpah to ask for my number.. and I FCUKIN HATE HATE HATE strangers.
Decided to go to Rap's house and we had a deep talk about our relationship. course, details will be kept confidential.
All i can divulge is that we both are committed and we are crossing both our fingers that sana, kami na nga talaga. Watched
this amazing guy you know, my boyfriend, play DoTA till i felt too sleepy to function. We fell asleep hugging each other.
Catch is, we are of perfect fit. :D
Sunday-woke up late cause we are amazing. yee-uh. Felt hungry since i wasn't able to eat much. Rap and I went out pag 6pm na,
had dinner at Sinangang Express, coffee at Bo's Terraces,grocer at Metro, gave in to our Salmon Sashimi craving and ended the night at his place, we got hungry again around 2 in the morning so we cooked whatever food we can find in his kitchen. Again, another miracle, i texted with Jeszha on the wee hours of the morning cause she was piss ass drunk, she confessed some stuff to me which sorta got me pissed about someone. DILI NA LAGI MAG MEDDLE OKAY?
I got totally high for a while pag kadlawn, i remembered the lizzie borden creepy ryhme and sang it to my uyab who was playing FALL OUT 3
"Lizzie Borden with an axe, gave her mother forty whacks,
when her father saw what she had done, she gave her father forty-one"
I remember chanting that and saying alot of incoherent things. ORGASM was that GOOD. (censorship super low, this is my
blog after all) i ALSO remember JEszha and i singing,
"i love you, you love me,
let's go out and kill rappeee
with a great big gun from me to you,
please say you'd kill him toooo"
I could tell that my boyfriend was starting to feel creeped out cause i was singin it while pretending to go synchronize swimming leg motion with my red shoes"
Slept around 5 in the morning at his place again. Went home just now sukad pa pag friday, All in all, counting Tuesdays until now, while i'm writing this shiznit in my netbook notepad, i've only slept for an average of 4-5 hours. I'm currently at my rent's room right now- 09/21/09 4:01pm. Will prolly skip dinner and sleep at 7pm--im crossing my fingers on an 11-hour sleep.
oh, and did i mention that Rap doesn't have a phone as of the moment? in the heat of our argument, he threw away his phone.
this is going to be an interesting week