@Bo's Terraces, enjoying my almost hurot coffee. On my left are a bunch of Korean guys talking and what made my eyes go lipat was that the other guy have the same fone as mine.
anyway, i found this picture at www.leloveimage.blogspot.com and this picture made me remember the start of our attraction towards each other (rap, if you are reading this right now, skip, im being disgusting)
I remember watching you play Tekken at Timezone and I was alone and bored.. When you were about to leave, you had an afterthought of asking me to make bangka coffee to you cause "i owe you one". I had nothing else better to do so I said yes. We had coffee @ Bo's near EastWest and hpnestly, I can't remember what we were talking about; what i remember was the lingaw feeling when i was with you.
The circumstances were wrong back then.
I'm just uber glad that we are together now.
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