Sunday, October 12, 2008

quotable lines fr. bridget jones-the edge of reason

the whole dating world is ilke a hideous game of bluff and double bluff with men and women firing at each other from opposite lines of sand bags. it's as if tehre is a set of rules that you a re supposed to be sticking to, but no one knows what they are so everyone just makes up their own. then you end up getting chucked because you didnn't follow the rules correctly, but how could you be expected to, when you didn't know what they were in the first place?

you cannot expect anything to change unless you change. i am taking things into my own hands!

You can't have everything you want in life. some of what you want but not everything you want. its not what happens to you in life tha counts but how you play the cards you are dealt.

The whole point about exes is that friends should punish and ignore them, not try to get on with both sides in manner of TONY and CHERIE with CHARLES and DIANA. (HAHAHA!)

~on princess diana:
i hope that she k nows now after all the times she worried about not being good enough, look what everybody felt about her. really, all this should give a message to women who are worried about how they look and being rubbish and expecting so much of themselves just not to worry so much.

You see, what I have laerned is the importance of detaching from other people's lunacy as one has enough to worry about keeping oneself on course

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