Sunday, June 27, 2010

Nobody really

likes Mondays.
or more specifically, Monday mornings.

Monday mornings welcome us to the REAL world. Which, either means we hafta work our ass of for the next 5 days or we have to start studying for the upcoming tests in within 5 days.
As much as you are predicting right now that I am different, I'm not.
I don't like Mondays too.
So I was going through my whining and mourning phases this morning when I received a text from the boyf.
It may not be life-altering to you but to me it is. He texted me a simple message saying he loves me.
And just like that, my Monday morning went a 180 degree turn. :)
it was an insanely good Monday morning and I hope this will be an insanely good week to you too :D

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