Wednesday, February 27, 2008

hoi igno

i'm a lifestyle/marketing writer in one of Cebu's local newspapers, but honestly, i only know about 10% of this ZTE broadband scandal (10% meaning i only know names)
sweet jesus can i have a day without hearing this issue? it's really starting to annoy me (and a few people).

note: senators are actually making a big deal about this overpriced stuff THAT has already happened. hello, there is nothing we can do about it already because the money is stashed somewhere and you can never get your hands on it. so please, there are actually alot of ordinary people who need your help (poor,rich,uneducated, and the like) who don't care about this issue SO, in order for you guys to uh, climb your corporate ladder (haha) let go of this and help the people who actually voted for you guys (and who are gonna vote come next time blah blah)

why can't they just wait for 2010 (presidential election)? they are wasting our money and their time (which they can use to help "us"=politRicking).

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