Sunday, March 9, 2008

on Gretchen Barreto

you either have to live on a cave or just a plain igno if you don't know here (unless you're not a filipino). Gretchen Barreto is the epitome of beauty and elegance here in the Philippines. and yes, it's self-proclaimed (we are all entitled to our own opinions, and my blog is all about mine). although some people say that she had major operations to enhance whatever she needs to, i dont care cause i find her beautiful. on issues regarding her right now, i admire her for being honest. it's a known fact that she can be tactless but she is living her life right now the way she wants it to be and it's such a pity that she's also a mistress.

setting aside my admiration, seriously, she has a bad voice. lol. i mean ,come on, you can be a good actress, i know you got expensive clothes and you have kick-ass stilletos, but a girl has to have limits. jesus, you just got yourself an album that would prolly sell thousands not cause you have a good voice, but cause they wanna see what's inside.

either way, you win..and i hate you already. lol

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